Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Sarah Palin Issue lets not mix words. I am politically extremely liberal and would only vote Republican if I actually saw the asteroid plunging toward the earth. But is it wrong that I find Sarah Palin attractive? I think she is a conservative crazy...not the sharpest knife in stack...and her voice is really grating. it wrong that I still think she is hot?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Great Quotes

Check out these quotes...good stuff, none of it mine. Any guesses on what books? Hint: One of the books is a modern day author who is a hit with the Academy Awards. One is a classic, that they find on shooters. One is a look at Britain in the future...also a future.

He walked out into the gray light and stood and he saw for a brief moment the absolute truth of the world. The cold relentless circling of an intestate earth. Darkness implacable. The blind dogs of the sun in their running. The crushing black vacuum of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals trembling like ground-foxes in their cover. Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it.

"I don't want to scare you," he said, "but I can very clearly see you dying nobly, one way or another, for some highly unworthy cause."

"Perhaps His experiment went spectacularly wrong, sir. Perhaps He's just baffled. Seeing the mess, not knowing how to put it right. Perhaps not wanting to put it right. Perhaps He only had enough power left for one final intervention. So He made it. Whoever He is, whatever He is, I hope he burns in His own Hell."

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Economic Crossroads
Where Should America Go From Here

Today the leaders of America say the bailout of our doomed economy is almost complete. We are split as a nation on the details of the plan and the scope and cost such a bailout will cover. Many agree that something is needed in this time of financial crisis, and are putting forth their various theories to the media. What should happen? How much should happen? Here are my thoughts.

First, I believe that a bailout plan is necessary. I believe that the ripple being caused by America’s financial institutions are crippling our economy and are ruining people’s retirement. Company’s that need to borrow before they make profits are being forced to go under and the people who work for them are losing their jobs. I personally think that this moment in time can be a turning point in America’s Economics and America’s Culture.

1) The government should buy up the bad mortgages and do what is needed to save the financial institutions that help stabilize our economy. Then, the government should go a step further and set-up a Government Mortgage Program. Under this program any citizen over the age of 25 can apply for a Government Mortgage for their primary residence. This loan will be given at 2% interest and will all be 30 year. This will lower Americans main expense and allow housing payments to become more affordable. It will provide the government a small but steady flow of interest and will also free up citizen’s money to be put back into the economy. This would only be for PRIMARY residences and vacation homes or second homes would not be eligible.

2) Short Selling should be banned. Simple.

3) All stocks that are bought should have a mandatory 48- hour freeze before they can be sold again. This will prevent people from trying to day-trade and artificially inflate a stocks value.

4) The US government should set up a bi-partisan evaluation committee to monitor all Fortune 500 companies and to limit the amount of risk they are able to take on behalf of their stockholders.

5) Pensions should be Federally Insured. A person should not work 30 years with a promise of a 75% end salary pension, just to be surprised that they can only receive 35%.

6) Health Care should be socialized. This would take away the risk of catastrophic illness bankrupting families…along with about another thousand reasons why it is just time.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I stumbled upon some funny things people have said at people's funerals...except T.E. Lawrence said his to a writer before his death.


Sheppard threw himself into a hedonistic whirl of drinking and whoring. Inevitably, his carpentry suffered.


There was something very peculiar about Doc. He was gentlemanly, a good dentist, a friendly man and yet, was a slender, sickly fellow.


His knees stand a little out and he may be called a little Bowlegged. He is subject to violent perspiration, particularly in his hand, so that he soils anything he handles.


His life came to a tragic end after liquor and finally ended his life by jumping off a cliff in a drunken frenzy.


I been & am absurdly over-estimated. There are no supermen & I'm quite ordinary, & will say so whatever the artistic results. In that point I'm one of the few people who tell the truth about myself.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WHY THE WORLD ISN'T ENDING friend Ross told me about a month ago that the world was going to go to hell in a hand-basket. After Monday (Lehman Brothers & the ML/wall street incidents), Ross called me up and said, "See...I told you. It is starting."

I spent some of the day Monday thinking about this...since I am a post-apoc freak and am very ready to roam the wasteland looking for the scrapes of the past just to get by. Hell...I am actually looking forward to the more credit card debt, wearing cool outfits like squirrel-skin pants and used hockey equipment. I watched The Road Warrior a hundred times and know the ins-and-outs of scrounging for petrol. So I took what Ross said to heart...maybe this was the beginning of the new world...the reforming of society.

I will say...people seemed scared. All this talk about a global economic fall, that will destroy the financial markets as we know it. But, the more I thought about it the more I realized that this is just paranoid investor bullshit. I am not saying that I am ignorant to the economic woes of the country...I see that we are in hard times. But...a "the world is going to end" situation, it is not. Here is why:

1) For society to truly change you need a fast UNREPAIRABLE event. Money and businesses, although they all do something or make something can be replaced very easily by another. Also the rich of the world...we reinvent the game to stay rich...they always have and always will.

2) Something has to dramatically effect the population within a matter of months...this isn't achieved by economics...this is done by natural disaster, sickness, war, famine, or sudden lack of transportation of food.

3) Also...the "event" that changes everything can't be a...lets see how the government will help. When it happens, it will be so fast and large scale that there won't be enough time to do anything.

4) everyone freaking out, the market will correct itself, it always does. Housing prices will go up and down in cycles for hundreds of years. The fun thing about economics is that the cycles involved tend to work themselves out.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Real Inventions/Ideas That Advanced Mankind

I was watching TV and they were counting down the greatest inventions/ideas of mankind...stuff that we use everyday, like antibiotics, the printing press, computers, etc. I was thinking today on my way back from Labor Day Activities about the things that were left out...the true gifts to humanity.

- This has to be one of the greatest inventions ever. You take useless meat and blend it together...making something that is encases in intestines that everybody eats. Today I had 2 brats and two hot dogs...someone made money (and I enjoyed eating) the leftovers of a meat packing plant.

-Many parents pretend to be appalled at this invention. Even though the harnesses are cute and disguised as backpacks, some parents pretend to be so above them. I say: DO NOT KNOCK IT UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIED IT. Shit...I ma use it until the kids are 18.

-Where else can you look for video and secretly be hoping for a boob to pop out of a really tasteless episode (look up "Feel Like Bacon Love")

-You know..these were an invention of the 70' parents can drink and hang out with friends while the children played in a self-contained area.

-Just not as dirty as the real thing and you can drink...which is nice.

-Not a big video game fan...and some say it promotes violence...I say a good way to burn off steam without actually killing something.

-I love the fact that when the remote is lost the channel doesn't change...even though I am 5 1/2 feet from the TV.

-This is some good stuff (do not use on a plane, or anywhere else that showing a bare chest and roaring is considered inappropriate).

-If everyone had one there would be no war.

-For $19.99 you can have a device that can fuse metal together and then...moments later, is safe to the touch. These are the people who will invent cold-fusion.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Social Theories of Man

Ok...I know that the title sounds like a Harvard educated lecture is ready to get started, but I assure you that I do not have the qualities to write such a blog for the following reasons:

1) I am not as book smart as my British friend Andrew
- who is highly intelligent but also is sort of an airhead in some circumstances
2) I lack the patience to write anything that takes me more then 30 minutes to think of and do.
3) I learned 90% of what I know from TV and Wikipedia.

That being said...I like this social theory I read about...I wanted to know the if their are any other opinions out there.

THE SOCIAL CYCLE THEORY : Unlike the theory of Social Evolution, which views that society will always evolve and views human history as progressing in some new, unique direction(s), sociological cycle theory argues that events and stages of society and history are generally repeating themselves in cycles. Such a theory does not necessarily imply there cannot be any social progress..but merely that the progresses being made are over-shadowing the fact that the same social game is playing out on a loop in general terms.

I think I buy into this theory. I view society as a whole playing out similar roles throughout history. I think that through technology advancements and a "smaller world" society we tend to think that we are an advanced people...moving forward greatly, when in reality we as a "society" are not as far removed from our ancestors who emerged from a hundred thousand years ago.

I think that Americans (which I am one of) tend to think of ourselves as this great World Power that will lead the Ignorant World it the future and beyond...when in reality we are following the same rise and fall cycle that all other great nations have followed. Hopefully the fall isn't as hard as some , and maybe we can learn a little from our most modern counterpart .Regardless the cycle is repeating...too bad I wasn't born in 1949.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ok...all of you can admit that one of the manliness displays is the growth and showmanship of the beard. For centuries beards have been statements of testosterone, intellect, academia, the disenfranchised, the lazy, and the poor. Hell...the playoff hockey beard is a cultural icon in itself.

At times, due to lack of sleep, terrible political views, or just plain run-a-way egos, man has taken the beard too far...and we all know that a beard taken too far is an injustice that is hard to put in words.

First a look at "Beards At Their Best"


Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am bored and it is raining (what is up with Chicago's weather...Africa Hot one day, Scottish Highland cool the next, today we are Bangladesh). So...I have been on Wikiquotes finding good quotes that show what really is in the minds of men...that we really don't want the ladies to know:

Women think we are normal. Like them. Cuz we talk to them like normal people. We say 'Hello', 'How are you', 'Haven't seen you in this place before', 'What kind of music do YOU like? hoha..'. But all the time in our brains we've got the word "breasts" on a loop. If we ever lost control for a second, we'd all start shouting breasts, breasts.

Look, I like naked women! I'm a bloke! I'm supposed to like them! We're born like that. We like naked women as soon as we're pulled out of one. Halfway down the birth canal, we're already enjoying the view. Look, it's the four pillars of the male heterosexual psyche. We like: naked women, stockings, lesbians, and Sean Connery best as James Bond. Because that is what being a bloke is. And if you don't like it, darling, join the film collective. Look: I want to spend the rest of my life with the woman at the end of the table here. But that does not stop me wanting to see several thousand more naked bottoms before I die. Because that's what being a bloke is. When Man invented fire, he didn't say "Hey, let's cook!" He said: "Great! Now we can see naked bottoms in the dark!" As soon as Caxton invented the printing press we were using it to make pictures of - hey! - naked bottoms. We've turned the Internet into an enormous international database of... naked bottoms. So, you see, the story of male achievement through the ages, feeble though it may have been, has been the story of our struggle to get a better look at your bottoms. Frankly, girls, I'm not so sure how insulted you really ought to be.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Here are some funny photos...See if you can match the picture with the heading.


b) 1984...oh no, it is the Bush Whitehouse

c) So Large, yet very misunderstood.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Now...I realize that in the United States we are still paying less for gas then they are in Europe, but that being said I just spend almost $100 filling up my car. This got me thinking about how gas prices are creating a "ripple effect" throughout society. I read that air travel is down 65% this summer. This is when the air industry is already going to shit. Local summer car travel is also down (although I don't know the exact numbers). Hell...this summer my family and I canned both our air trip to Conn. and our driving trip to Canada because it would cost us a fortune in gas.

Now all this is impacting my my house-hold income is right around $95,000. Can you imagine what it is doing to house-holds that are making in the $50,000's.

Part of this I feel is good. The addiction to oil has got to stop. The problem is, we need a GOOD alternative and soon. The US either needs to invest in better public trans, get this electric cars going faster...figure out the hydro-car thing...and figure it out fast!

The video below is pretty funny...if you like the idea that this oil business is already too far gone to fix.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Ok...I have been watching EURO 08 and think that I have learned a lot about Europe from watching it. Even if you are not a soccer fan (Mike) you can definitely learn alot from across the Atlantic from watching the tourney.

This is what I have learned:

1) That the Turks are very hairy and seem to piss everyone off...including the announcers because lets face it, most of their country is in Asia.

2) The Dutch tend to come on strong and when it seems like they have it all wrapped up, they choke. By the way...they love the color orange, which is not in their flag....something to do with the royals.

3) The Greeks cry about absolutely everything. I mean come on...are that big of pussies. Shit, this group can't of descended from the people in 300.

4) Every good player seems to be playing in England or Real Madrid. Every player they call up-and-coming plays for the Rangers or Celtic.

5) The Germans and the Austrians almost look like they shouldn't even be on the same field together (perhaps old guilt).

6) The announcers really like to talk about Northern Ireland's run...even though they didn't make it.

7) The Swiss are much better bankers then athletes.

8) The Portuguese seem to not like to play all. They defended about as well as they did with the Moorish invasion.

9) That Spain doesn't seem to have many fans at the games...maybe they are ashamed at all those naps they take.

10) That Croatians scare me...they look like they can steal a kidney pretty fast.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

5 DUMBEST TV SHOWS is a list of some of the dumbest TV shows that lasted at least 2 seasons. Please feel free to add:

1) Perfect Strangers: ok...a third cousin shows up at your doorstep in Milwaukee and you become buddies and adventures ensue.

2) ALF: An alien puppet? He eats cats? How did this one go past the "meeting" stage.

3) The A Team: I know we want it to be hip and cool...but Vietnam Vets hanging out in a van...not a cool combo. To make matters worst, no one ever dies. They just fell.

4) Knightrider: Two problems here: A) talking car B) The Hoff.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Ok. I love sports. I played sports growing up and still play sports as an adult. I love the competition, the exercise, and most of all the task of going against someone with all that you've got.

My daughter started tee ball this week. It was my wife's idea. We have had two practices and my theory on sports has just been totally validated. Kids shouldn't play organized sports until they are 8. A 4 year old trying to play tee ball is like watching a fat guy lay out on the beach. It is mildly entertaining, but after a short while you feel that it is just wrong and a waste of time.

Young kids do not have the ability to play team sports, nor do they have the attention span to fully understand what is being asked of them to do. The Swedes do not allow kids to play team sports until 8 years old...they still practice the basic skills of sports, but the competition is taken out, as well as the expectation to play together as a unit.

I would say that 60% of the tee ballers out on my daughter's team do not even understand the concept of "points" and "team". A good 15% of them don't want to even be there. The remaining 25 % are very interested in their glove, hat, or the dirt.

So why do we throw our kids into sports so early? I think part of it is because of ourselves...we feel that we get to relive sports through our kids and want to start reliving ASAP. Another reason may be that we as a society want our kids to be adults ASAP. Trust me...I have been grown up for years and would love to have done it slower. Lastly, I think we do things because the neighbor kids are doing it. Hell...if Joey across the street can play tee ball at 3 so can my is as simple as keeping up with the Jones.

Any comments?

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I think this is appropriate since it is Father's Day. Hope all the Fathers are having a good day...although the on-fathers are probably having more fun.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I am soo glad that the Greek National Team lost to Sweden. First off, they are an offensive joke...who literally stole EURO 04 in what had to be the biggest bit of luck ever. Secondly, we keep hearing about the "Great Defense" of the Greeks...that's funny their defense looked about as good as the Russians or maybe even the Turks.

Anyone else glad Sweden won?

If you have a chance read Andrew's newest blog...pretty funny:Link

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Netherlands Beat Italy 3-0

Anyone see that EURO match yesterday (6-9-08)??? I know a lot of people will say that their defense is shit, but I love how the Netherlands play as a team. The game against Italy was fun to watch and action packed. The Netherlands just go all out, which is an exciting style to watch. The Italians stay back too much, and many National Teams seem to play "not to lose" instead of to "win". Any comments?

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Ok...Americans are not exactly the "Cool Kids" on the block. Now...there are many political reasons why we are not liked...but here are some reasons that CNN doesn't talk about:

1) We vote more for American Idol and Dancing With The Stars then we do for President.

2) The OC was considered good television.

3) We spend over 30 billion dollars a year on pet supplies.

4) David Hasselhoff

5) SUV's

6) Our gay love of the "Cowboy Era" (this was an extremely short period of time when people worked their asses off for the "boss" and hardly got paid...they had to endure horrible conditions and many became alcoholics...But hey those were cool hats).

7) Zuba Pants (you know...somewhere there is a guy tail-gating wearing them right now).


9) Calling Football Soccer

10) George Bush (ok...this is political, but he was elected TWICE)

Political Cartoons is a tad on the humid side in Chicago. I found a few of these political cartoons and thought they were good. The McCain one is funny when you compare his big speech Tuesday against Obama's. I also like the great artwork on Tony Blair's wife...was she ever hot? I don't understand how these politicians find some of their spouses.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Ok...even though Hillary didn't concede (I think she shot herself in the foot tonight, but will still get the VP spot), Obama clinched up the nomination. Crazy to think that 50 years ago segregation was still going on in the South. Now, after watching Obama speak tonight...I think America will not only finally get a minority president, but will finally start to move toward the future instead of living in the past.

Comparing the two speeches today (Obama and McCain), I can say with great confidence that McCain is going to get his ass kicked in the general election. First off, McCain drew a crowd that was comparable to one of my indoor soccer games. Obama drew 20,000 people. McCain sounded awkward...looked old...and blatantly used "fear" as his reason to vote for him. Obama sounded presidential...carried with him energy...and knows that America needs to move forward to keep up with the world of the 21st Century. Damn...for someone who isn't exactly patriotic, Obama almost made me want to say the Pledge of Allegiance ( was just a second).

Monday, June 2, 2008


Ok...I have no idea why anyone would care what books I have read in the past 5 years...but in case someone is looking for a good book to read:

1) Watership Down: Goo book on society and how people react. I heard that this is actually a British middle school book, but it is a great read once you get use to the fact you are reading about rabbits.

2) The Life of Pi: I really got into this takes a good look at religion and man's able to deal with events...great twist also.

3) The Road: This is the bleakest book I have ever read...void of any hope whatsoever. I love post-apoc books and this one is one of the best.

4) All Is Quiet On The Western Front: I am usually not a big war buff...but I love this book. It is funny how man's basic needs come out...shelter & food...when put in horrible situations. Also a great look at the stupidity of war.

5) Cat's Cradle: The best of Vonnegut. Looks at society and man's need for a purpose.

6) Hand Made Earth: This is another post-apoc...from the guy who is constantly talking about peak-oil. It shows how people have to live much more like we did in 1890 is the gas stops flowing. The funny thing is it isn't that bad.

Ok...there is a few.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Ok...I just read this:

Film Promises Proof Of Aliens

By: Dean Terry
A film that will prove the existence of aliens, plus “other related credible evidence,” is to be shown to the news media on Friday in Denver, Colorado.

The film is said to show “an extraterrestrial’s head popping up outside of a window at night, looking in the window.” The film was shot using an infrared camera, and shows the blinking alien to be about 4 feet tall.

Jeff Peckman, the man responsible for showing the film, made news recently when he introduced a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver. Peckman said the film was one of the reasons he was compelled to launch the E.T. ballot initiative.

Peckman claims the film has been examined by an expert and found to be authentic. He says the film is “one tiny portion in the context of a vast amount of peripheral evidence.”

Although members of the news media will be able to view the film on Friday, the general public will not be allowed in because it’s part of forthcoming documentary by Colorado resident and alien abductee Stan Romanek.

Romanek claims he has been having UFO sightings since the age of five and he supposedly is one of the most well documented cases of UFO sightings and alien abductions.

Now...I believe that there is life in the Universe. I think that only people from Texas (sorry Texas...but you did give us George W. Bush & The Longhorns) think that we are so special that only the "earth" can have life...but This guy is a crack-pot. I saw one of the images. It looked like a cardboard cutout. How can you say you have proof without an alien standing next to you. Here are some other funny "Alien" links.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

WHAT IS HILLARY DOING? I need some opinions here. What is Hillary doing? She knows she isn't going to get the nomination...she knows that mathematically it is truly impossible. So what is her motivation? I think it is one of the following possibilities:

1) She feels that she is ENTITLED to the nomination...and it is owed to her.
2) She...since the North Carolina/Indiana primary has decided that she is going to ruin the Dems chances in 08 so she can rerun in four years.
3) She wants the VP spot and wants to trap Obama into it.
4) She is overcome with herself and doesn't see reality and thinks that she still can win?


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Major League Soccer


Many people remember when the United States tried and failed with professional soccer. Now, the MLS is ten years old and is going strong. There are many who say that the league sucks and that it is a glorified college all-star league. My friend Andrew (his blog can be seen at has said on many occasions that the level of play is "mediocre" and that play development is poor. The MLS is compared to leagues around the world and I feel is unjustly looked down upon. Now, I am not saying that the MLS is at the same level as the EPL, but I do think that the top teams can compete in the EPL.

First off, thanks to Setanta, I have been able to watch lots of EPL games, the French League, and Italy's Series A. Teams like Reading (I know they were relegated), Bolton and Wigan are about at the same level or even lower than the better MLS teams. In fact, I would say that the Chicago Fire could easily split a four game series with Aston Villa. As for the French League….I thought Lille and Nice were the biggest pansy teams I have ever seen play. I only saw one Italian game…but AC Milan destroyed Lazio and I think the Chicago Fire would have too.

Ok...Here is my list:

1) Like stated above…the bottom teams in all the big European Leagues aren't really that good. If Chicago, Columbus, New England, or even LA played in the EPL they would not get relegated.

2) The league is beginning to bring in talent the smart way…not loading one team up with all foreign players…but spreading it out so that the league's talent is even.

3) The MLS is bringing in players before they are washed up. Beckham still has a good 3 years of high level play (he is still playing for his country isn't he) and Blanco is still a scoring powerhouse.

4) They are tapping into the Central American market of players…that are overlooked by many European Clubs. Players like Herron & Segares from Costa Rica, Guevara & Guerrer from Honduras, and Ruiz from Guatemala are proving to be worth the investment.

5) The MLS's expansion has been slow…they are going into Philly and Seattle, but they did this slowly…instead of expanding too fast without the talent to support the teams.

6) The new soccer stadiums are built to hold only about 20,000 fans…which is perfect, it sets the stage for a professional atmosphere instead of playing at 55,000 seat football stadiums where half the seats are empty.

7) The MLS is foreseeing the huge explosion of the Hispanic population. Stats show that by 2015 Hispanics will be the majority in many states…wanting to watch a solid local professional league.

8) The final point…is that since the creation of the MLS soccer has improved US soccer at the grassroots level. US players are getting better and more athletes are picking soccer as their sport, instead of going into baseball, football, and basketball. Look how many Americans are playing in the "top" European leagues…the overall talent pool here is increasing.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Indy 500

I just got back from the Indy first car racing experience. Now, to be honest, I am not a car racing kind-of-guy. My wife and I were offered tickets, we decided a mini trip from Chicago to check it out with some friends would be fun. It was an experience....

First off, it is the biggest melting pot (of White People) of an event that I have ever seen. There were 500,000 people there. I have been to some big events...but this was ridiculous. The make-up of the crowd was about 30% CWSMP (Crazy White Sunburned Mullet People), 30% CFP (Confederate Flag People), 15% ultra rich, and 25% middle of the road people. I have never seen such a mix before...that seemed to exclude just about every "minority". I saw three African of which was a Security Dude. I saw no Hispanics. I think I saw a small group of Japanese...but they were hanging with the Ultra Rich. So thinking about this...I don't know whether or not race car driving is an extremely racist sport, or if the sport just doesn't appeal to may people outside of the CWSMP's or CFP's.

My take is this. The event itself was cool. You do a lot of drinking and talking with whoever you go with...mainly because the cars are going 200 plus miles per hour and you are only seeing a tiny portion of the track (picture going to a hockey game and only being able to see the neutral zone). The fact that the car's use ethanol fuel is a plus...because wasting all that gas would be a dumb thing to do. But for people who are "car" are basically watching people go around in circles at speeds that you can't even tell who is who. It also creates a noise that gets sort of nauseating after about 100 laps. The race itself is so dangerous, that some of the drivers don't even finish and racing has to stop about 800 times due to accidents or debris on the track ( for people who hate tv time-outs in basketball this sport isn't for you).

Overall I think the CWSMP's and the CFP's just like it because they are able to get really drunk and don't have to worry about sounding stupid because the noise from the cars basically wipes out any comprehension of what people are saying.

So my overall take is that it is a fun thing to do...once or twice, for the "experience of the day". If you are one of these race probably hate this blog...but I guess I just don't see the draw (unless a really bad sunburn is plus).

Other then that...Indy is a nice city. It is smaller then I expected and the farms literally go up into the suburbs.

That's all for blog #2...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Post American Age

My first blog:

Seeing that many people are blogging now...I have decided that what the internet needs now is another blog from a 30 something middle-class American...who is not terribly tall.


1) For the last 20 years...the United States has over borrowed and over spent...which after the Cold War was utterly stupid because in 1989 the collapse of the USSR made that kind of spending useless.

2) In the Last 20 years...the US has shipped out production jobs (which creates a country's lower middle-class which is the foundation for the rest of the economy).

3) We are addicted to oil and have no true way out...our entire society is based on the need for every adult drive a car...within a year gas will cost $10.00 a gallon and the government isn't prepared to handle this. Nor are we able to fight off the oil companies interests and truly go to a more sustainable energy system.

4) The fact that our elections are not federally funded as virtually ended democracy in our country...since the 1980 election of Reagan, special interest groups have given over 100% more in every single senator/presidential election cycle.

5) Europe has adaptive American goals without corrupting their lifestyles...meaning they live within their means and only take what they need, not burdening themselves with a buy and dump mentality...thus what they accumulate they really use and need...example: only need one car, they only have one car...etc.

6) The United States, after 1989, has used its military in an unchecked manner...thus over extending its forces and ruining its overseas popularity.

7) The Two main political parties in the US have become two close together and do not represent enough of a choice for voters...EVERY other industrialized nation has at least 3...with a average of four main political parties, thus giving options.

8) Capitalism has clouded the entire medical and higher educational care/medicine should be a right for the betterment of humanity, not to profit monetarily...and higher education should not be an elitist institution where only 20% of the population can afford to attend.

9) The overall "new" thought process in America has now become "you are what you do for a living and the importance of life is to buy more things"...places like Brazil, France, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany...the focus is much more on doing things you feel passion about and being who you want to be.

10) An elitist attitude...American, since the end of the Cold War, has had a sense of superiority over all other cultures and countries. This attitude has accompanied the downfall of every great empire/civilization: British Empire, Roman Empire, Spanish Empire, etc. and has caused unhealthy rises in nationalism and religious conflicts (Catholics are better then Natives, Protestants are better then Catholics, Catholics are better then Muslims)...and shit look what happened in Germany and Italy when Nationalism became unchecked.

11) Last but not least...the Middle Class of America is completely afraid to rock the boat, because we are so in debt that we are afraid if we lose even a few things the house of cards will come tumbling down.