Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ok...all of you can admit that one of the manliness displays is the growth and showmanship of the beard. For centuries beards have been statements of testosterone, intellect, academia, the disenfranchised, the lazy, and the poor. Hell...the playoff hockey beard is a cultural icon in itself.

At times, due to lack of sleep, terrible political views, or just plain run-a-way egos, man has taken the beard too far...and we all know that a beard taken too far is an injustice that is hard to put in words.

First a look at "Beards At Their Best"


Thursday, July 10, 2008


I am bored and it is raining (what is up with Chicago's weather...Africa Hot one day, Scottish Highland cool the next, today we are Bangladesh). So...I have been on Wikiquotes finding good quotes that show what really is in the minds of men...that we really don't want the ladies to know:

Women think we are normal. Like them. Cuz we talk to them like normal people. We say 'Hello', 'How are you', 'Haven't seen you in this place before', 'What kind of music do YOU like? hoha..'. But all the time in our brains we've got the word "breasts" on a loop. If we ever lost control for a second, we'd all start shouting breasts, breasts.

Look, I like naked women! I'm a bloke! I'm supposed to like them! We're born like that. We like naked women as soon as we're pulled out of one. Halfway down the birth canal, we're already enjoying the view. Look, it's the four pillars of the male heterosexual psyche. We like: naked women, stockings, lesbians, and Sean Connery best as James Bond. Because that is what being a bloke is. And if you don't like it, darling, join the film collective. Look: I want to spend the rest of my life with the woman at the end of the table here. But that does not stop me wanting to see several thousand more naked bottoms before I die. Because that's what being a bloke is. When Man invented fire, he didn't say "Hey, let's cook!" He said: "Great! Now we can see naked bottoms in the dark!" As soon as Caxton invented the printing press we were using it to make pictures of - hey! - naked bottoms. We've turned the Internet into an enormous international database of... naked bottoms. So, you see, the story of male achievement through the ages, feeble though it may have been, has been the story of our struggle to get a better look at your bottoms. Frankly, girls, I'm not so sure how insulted you really ought to be.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Here are some funny photos...See if you can match the picture with the heading.


b) 1984...oh no, it is the Bush Whitehouse

c) So Large, yet very misunderstood.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Now...I realize that in the United States we are still paying less for gas then they are in Europe, but that being said I just spend almost $100 filling up my car. This got me thinking about how gas prices are creating a "ripple effect" throughout society. I read that air travel is down 65% this summer. This is when the air industry is already going to shit. Local summer car travel is also down (although I don't know the exact numbers). Hell...this summer my family and I canned both our air trip to Conn. and our driving trip to Canada because it would cost us a fortune in gas.

Now all this is impacting my my house-hold income is right around $95,000. Can you imagine what it is doing to house-holds that are making in the $50,000's.

Part of this I feel is good. The addiction to oil has got to stop. The problem is, we need a GOOD alternative and soon. The US either needs to invest in better public trans, get this electric cars going faster...figure out the hydro-car thing...and figure it out fast!

The video below is pretty funny...if you like the idea that this oil business is already too far gone to fix.