Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Ok...I have been watching EURO 08 and think that I have learned a lot about Europe from watching it. Even if you are not a soccer fan (Mike) you can definitely learn alot from across the Atlantic from watching the tourney.

This is what I have learned:

1) That the Turks are very hairy and seem to piss everyone off...including the announcers because lets face it, most of their country is in Asia.

2) The Dutch tend to come on strong and when it seems like they have it all wrapped up, they choke. By the way...they love the color orange, which is not in their flag....something to do with the royals.

3) The Greeks cry about absolutely everything. I mean come on...are that big of pussies. Shit, this group can't of descended from the people in 300.

4) Every good player seems to be playing in England or Real Madrid. Every player they call up-and-coming plays for the Rangers or Celtic.

5) The Germans and the Austrians almost look like they shouldn't even be on the same field together (perhaps old guilt).

6) The announcers really like to talk about Northern Ireland's run...even though they didn't make it.

7) The Swiss are much better bankers then athletes.

8) The Portuguese seem to not like to play all. They defended about as well as they did with the Moorish invasion.

9) That Spain doesn't seem to have many fans at the games...maybe they are ashamed at all those naps they take.

10) That Croatians scare me...they look like they can steal a kidney pretty fast.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

5 DUMBEST TV SHOWS is a list of some of the dumbest TV shows that lasted at least 2 seasons. Please feel free to add:

1) Perfect Strangers: ok...a third cousin shows up at your doorstep in Milwaukee and you become buddies and adventures ensue.

2) ALF: An alien puppet? He eats cats? How did this one go past the "meeting" stage.

3) The A Team: I know we want it to be hip and cool...but Vietnam Vets hanging out in a van...not a cool combo. To make matters worst, no one ever dies. They just fell.

4) Knightrider: Two problems here: A) talking car B) The Hoff.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Ok. I love sports. I played sports growing up and still play sports as an adult. I love the competition, the exercise, and most of all the task of going against someone with all that you've got.

My daughter started tee ball this week. It was my wife's idea. We have had two practices and my theory on sports has just been totally validated. Kids shouldn't play organized sports until they are 8. A 4 year old trying to play tee ball is like watching a fat guy lay out on the beach. It is mildly entertaining, but after a short while you feel that it is just wrong and a waste of time.

Young kids do not have the ability to play team sports, nor do they have the attention span to fully understand what is being asked of them to do. The Swedes do not allow kids to play team sports until 8 years old...they still practice the basic skills of sports, but the competition is taken out, as well as the expectation to play together as a unit.

I would say that 60% of the tee ballers out on my daughter's team do not even understand the concept of "points" and "team". A good 15% of them don't want to even be there. The remaining 25 % are very interested in their glove, hat, or the dirt.

So why do we throw our kids into sports so early? I think part of it is because of ourselves...we feel that we get to relive sports through our kids and want to start reliving ASAP. Another reason may be that we as a society want our kids to be adults ASAP. Trust me...I have been grown up for years and would love to have done it slower. Lastly, I think we do things because the neighbor kids are doing it. Hell...if Joey across the street can play tee ball at 3 so can my is as simple as keeping up with the Jones.

Any comments?

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I think this is appropriate since it is Father's Day. Hope all the Fathers are having a good day...although the on-fathers are probably having more fun.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I am soo glad that the Greek National Team lost to Sweden. First off, they are an offensive joke...who literally stole EURO 04 in what had to be the biggest bit of luck ever. Secondly, we keep hearing about the "Great Defense" of the Greeks...that's funny their defense looked about as good as the Russians or maybe even the Turks.

Anyone else glad Sweden won?

If you have a chance read Andrew's newest blog...pretty funny:Link

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Netherlands Beat Italy 3-0

Anyone see that EURO match yesterday (6-9-08)??? I know a lot of people will say that their defense is shit, but I love how the Netherlands play as a team. The game against Italy was fun to watch and action packed. The Netherlands just go all out, which is an exciting style to watch. The Italians stay back too much, and many National Teams seem to play "not to lose" instead of to "win". Any comments?

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Ok...Americans are not exactly the "Cool Kids" on the block. Now...there are many political reasons why we are not liked...but here are some reasons that CNN doesn't talk about:

1) We vote more for American Idol and Dancing With The Stars then we do for President.

2) The OC was considered good television.

3) We spend over 30 billion dollars a year on pet supplies.

4) David Hasselhoff

5) SUV's

6) Our gay love of the "Cowboy Era" (this was an extremely short period of time when people worked their asses off for the "boss" and hardly got paid...they had to endure horrible conditions and many became alcoholics...But hey those were cool hats).

7) Zuba Pants (you know...somewhere there is a guy tail-gating wearing them right now).


9) Calling Football Soccer

10) George Bush (ok...this is political, but he was elected TWICE)

Political Cartoons is a tad on the humid side in Chicago. I found a few of these political cartoons and thought they were good. The McCain one is funny when you compare his big speech Tuesday against Obama's. I also like the great artwork on Tony Blair's wife...was she ever hot? I don't understand how these politicians find some of their spouses.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Ok...even though Hillary didn't concede (I think she shot herself in the foot tonight, but will still get the VP spot), Obama clinched up the nomination. Crazy to think that 50 years ago segregation was still going on in the South. Now, after watching Obama speak tonight...I think America will not only finally get a minority president, but will finally start to move toward the future instead of living in the past.

Comparing the two speeches today (Obama and McCain), I can say with great confidence that McCain is going to get his ass kicked in the general election. First off, McCain drew a crowd that was comparable to one of my indoor soccer games. Obama drew 20,000 people. McCain sounded awkward...looked old...and blatantly used "fear" as his reason to vote for him. Obama sounded presidential...carried with him energy...and knows that America needs to move forward to keep up with the world of the 21st Century. Damn...for someone who isn't exactly patriotic, Obama almost made me want to say the Pledge of Allegiance ( was just a second).

Monday, June 2, 2008


Ok...I have no idea why anyone would care what books I have read in the past 5 years...but in case someone is looking for a good book to read:

1) Watership Down: Goo book on society and how people react. I heard that this is actually a British middle school book, but it is a great read once you get use to the fact you are reading about rabbits.

2) The Life of Pi: I really got into this takes a good look at religion and man's able to deal with events...great twist also.

3) The Road: This is the bleakest book I have ever read...void of any hope whatsoever. I love post-apoc books and this one is one of the best.

4) All Is Quiet On The Western Front: I am usually not a big war buff...but I love this book. It is funny how man's basic needs come out...shelter & food...when put in horrible situations. Also a great look at the stupidity of war.

5) Cat's Cradle: The best of Vonnegut. Looks at society and man's need for a purpose.

6) Hand Made Earth: This is another post-apoc...from the guy who is constantly talking about peak-oil. It shows how people have to live much more like we did in 1890 is the gas stops flowing. The funny thing is it isn't that bad.

Ok...there is a few.